Personalize your orthotic insoles

Our orthotics are customized to your feet and gait characteristics. We've gone to great lengths to make sure your insoles will fit perfectly the first time and always feel great, while also adding support in the places you need it most. Our hope is that by wearing the custom orthotics you will find greater comfort or relief from pain. But we can't make you wear them. You have to want to wear them.

So we thought it would be fun to personalize custom orthotic insole top covers to really make you feel connected to them. The fact is you won't be seeing your orthotic insoles much if you do it right, and wear them in good fitting sneakers or shoes. But when you do take them off, and let them air out, they'll at the very least look the way you want and be uniquely yours! Check out this video on how to personalize your insoles:



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